Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"naked lunch"

Showing the problems of a reuniting couple, in "naked lunch" Michael Hollinger uses awekward situational circumstances, a shift from comfortable to mean sarcasm and dominant carachtarisation for the man, in order to show how one person rules and accomblishes his Ideas of what his partner should or shouldn't do.


  1. I like your use of "awkward situational circumstances". Strong pairing. Consider using only one of the words after "awkward"- "situations" or "circumstances" because they both have the same definition (basically). Also, although it's possible for you to analyze a shift in your essay which this thesis would be part of, it would be somewhat difficult. I like that you chose it because it shows that you like a challenge; but if that's not the case, I would suggest making that a part of the introductory clause so that the reader knows that its there, yet you dont have to spend a whole lot of time on it. Nice work :)

  2. this is really good! your opening statement is different and makes a lot of sense.
