Friday, March 30, 2012

own proposal

           When people come to the city, they visit a place where broken dreams are more present than anywhere else. The owners of those broken dreams are found at many places, but mostly at public ones like train stations. Some of them are old, some of them are young teenagers, who started escaping from reality early in life. For them, drugs are easy to find and hard to stay away from. Those who are addicted, are found annoying and disturbing for the city life. People who have to pass them on their way to work or school, see these junkies as a danger and disturbance for the rest of the world.
Most of the addicted kids come from hopeless families and homes. They might have experienced violence or have parents that simply not care what their children do. They all have one thing in common: they probably don’t have a future.

           Soldiers fight for their country all over the world. This duty is associated with pride and braveness. For serving men and women it might be an honor represent their country.
But most likely there are sad parts too. Many soldiers have families and friends back home. They have dreams and hopes for the future and are ordinary people.
Some of them might believe that it is the right thing to go to war, an attitude that might be supported by the fact that soldiers that are willing to serve, really are brave. Other people want to be seen as brave heroes too, so they join the army. It’s a steady circle.

           If we just send all the Junkie-kids to war, the Soldiers could go home and live their dreams.
The job as a soldier will lose the good reputation, because you’ll only join the army, if you are when you on the society’s lowest niveau and the government has at least one use from their futureless cases. The streets will be safe again and caring parents will be happy that the bad influence for their children is taken away.

           Of course no war can be fought with a bunch of drugged soldiers. The junkies will be educated like normal Soldiers and will not be able to drop out. They will have no chance to escape, so other people learn, that drugs are a bad thing and the punishment is worse than anything. Since most of them don’t have a future anyways the army  might awake their sense of responsibility for themselves. If they stay unharmed they can go home and to live an ordinary life.

           The whole exchange would be a “make-the-world-a-better-place” program, that helps drug addicted teenagers conquer their hopefully lowest point in life, turning them into ordinary and disciplined people, who have a future and an opportunity in life.
Also, war will be the place where this change takes place, becoming a better place than before. Potential soldiers who want to serve by choice won’t probably not exist a lot and it won’t be an honor to fight for the own country any more.

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